Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Welcome Sawyer Delagnes Muzzy!

Ryan's cousin Claudine and her husband Mike had their 3rd child on Saturday November 15th. We were all so excited for the arrival of Muzzy #3 and couldn't wait to find out if it was a boy or girl. Mike comes from a long, strong genetic chain of males and Sawyer didn't break it, he was the 18th male born into the Muzzy family over many, many generations! He joins his brothers Jackson Ray and Hudson Leo, three boys!! Here are some cute pics of them. . . he has a full head of hair and weighed in at 7 lbs. 10 oz.

Claudine, Mike and Sawyer, just hours after giving birth!
Ryan and I meeting Sawyer for the first time!
We brought Sawyer a "Superman" onesie!

So cute!!
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Red Tie Gala 2009

Some of you may remember that 2 years ago I was heavily involved with the Little Sisters of the Poor benefit Gala, the Red Tie Gala at Neiman Marcus. This year I wasn't as involved with the overall planning but still helped out in some capacity with volunteers and the raffle. We donned our black tie outfits on Friday November 7th and headed to Neiman Marcus to enjoy the food, drinks and great music. We then headed to the after party hosted by the Sangiacomos at the top of the St. Francis Hotel. I think this was my favorite part as we found a seat right away and I could rest my swollen feet! :) It's a great cause as the Little Sisters help the elderly poor who are sick and have no one to take care of them.

Emily and Ry
A little tired as this was at the end of the evening but so glad we supported this cause!
Ryan and his red bow tie and red socks to match!
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Essential Reading

Ryan doing his "essential reading" . . . he wanted to add his comments to the blog!

Who knew that there were so many books to read prior to having a baby?! And each one has a different title that appears to make them essential reading. I mean, really, what "Expectant Father" is going to say he does not want the "Happiest Baby on the Block" and learn as much as he can "Week by Week" about "Our Amazing Newborn"? The sheer volume of material is somewhat overwhelming. However, we also get real, direct advice from those who know best - our parents. It is hysterical when we tell our parents we have a stroller, a jog stroller, and a snap-and-go stroller. I think their comment was "We had one umbrella stroller and you turned out fine." Kidding aside, we appreciate all their love and support. Only 8 weeks left to finish all these books!

Friday, November 7, 2008

31 weeks TODAY!

Well, we are growing. . . if you can't tell from the photos! I am feeling great and as today we mark 31 weeks. I feel blessed to be feeling good and I love feeling the baby move. The baby has some serious kicks, turns and pulses that I feel throughout the day. Ryan loves to feel the baby move and we often lay on the couch just waiting for baby to move while starring in amazement at this miracle of life.

Truthfully, I'm feeling BIG! BUT my Mom tells me that I am not BIG I'm just pregnant which somehow makes me feel better. Let's be honest, no pregnant chick wants to be told she's "HUGE" or "BIG" just tell her she looks great and she's doing a fabulous job carrying this little one! For example, I was walking up the hill yesterday and saw this lady walking her dog she was all smiles (you do get lots of strangers just smiling at you when you are pregnant) and as we were approaching each other she said "how do you feel" and I said "oh good, thanks" and she said "well you're doing great and you look wonderful". . . wow, I was all smiles the whole way home! I will refrain from sharing with you all the crazy things people have said to me as there have been some ridiculous comments. Here's the lesson, when you see a pregnant gal just smile and tell her she looks great, that's all she wants to hear! AND thank you to all of you who are cheering us along!
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Happy Halloween! This was our self timer photo of our Halloween night. . . don't we look festive! We had our good friends, Stephanie, Dennis, Jack, Anne, Julie and Chris over for some dinner and pumpkin carving. We never quite made it to the pumpkin carving but it was fun to catch up with everyone! Next Halloween, we'll be joining my sisters and their little ones (and Poppo and Grammy, my Dad takes the day off work to see the grandkids in their costumes!) on Chestnut Street with our little one all dressed up. . . can't wait!

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