Last Tuesday night we got a call at 3:30 a.m., it was time! My sister, Jen and her husband John were on their way to the hospital. I jumped out of bed and got in the car so I could be with their daughter Chloe while they were at the hospital. I had such a special morning with Chloe, telling her all about how her sister was my big sister and what a great big sister she was going to be. It was really wonderful to spend that time with Chloe just before her world was going to change forever, she was going to be a big sister. Chloe went off for the day with their amazing nanny Ena. I headed to the hospital and all of our wonderful mothers in law took care of the little ones so that we could be there for Jen and John. Thanks Laura for watching Dylan!
We got to be in the room for Quinn's birth, what an amazing experience. Our doctor, Dr. Laurie Green has now delivered 5 out of the 7 Briggs Grandchildren. She is a rock star and an amazing doctor. We just love her and she has a great sense of humor. She looked around the room at all of us and said, "ok who's next?". Jen got to 8 cm without an epidural (an amazing feat!) and then pushed 7 times, yes 7 times. . . and out came Quinn. Quinn has a beautiful full head of jet black hair and the blue Fisher eyes. She weighed in at 7 lbs and 12 oz which is a good size baby in Fisher standards (Chloe was 6 lbs. 1 oz).
We were thrilled for the Fishers and Baby Quinn is healthy and happy. Dylan got to meet Quinn the next day and pass the torch of being the youngest cousin. Dylan and Quinn are almost 7 months apart exactly and hopefully they will be classmates!